WP User Frontend - Plugin for Registration, User Profile, Membership, Content Restrictions, User Directory and Frontend Post Submission

WP User Frontend is a powerful WordPress plugin that provides a range of useful features for front-end users. It includes a front-end dashboard, front-end editor, publishing and uploading features for WordPress user profiles, post submissions and member management.

The plugin offers a number of free features including front-end post submission, member management, profile building and WordPress editor. Users can create new posts and edit their profiles through the front-end interface without having to go to the back-end admin panel.

WP User Frontend also offers flexible administrator configuration options. Administrators can manage users on the frontend and configure who can access the dashboard from the backend.

Users can upload images through the front-end interface and upload featured images using the image upload option in the post content area.

The plugin also provides a drag-and-drop form builder that allows you to quickly build forms with the required fields and preview the style of the form in real time.

WPUF forms can be easily added to the editor using Gutenberg. Users simply select the form they want to publish from Gutenberg's drop-down menu and the entire form is automatically rendered on the page. This is much easier than manually copying and pasting shortcodes, saving a lot of time and clicks.

All forms have a unique shortcode that you can paste into any page without breaking your theme style.

The plugin also supports WordPress guest post submission. Visitors can submit posts from the frontend without registering with WP User Frontend. You can optionally ask visitors for their name and email address to automatically register and allow them to comment on their posts. Email verification can also be enabled for visitors.

The plugin also supports role-based access control. You can allow certain user roles to publish posts while restricting the permissions of other user roles. You can also customize the alert message for unauthorized users.

Users can upload images, fill out forms, and even enter data using the multiple choice menu from the front end. Allow users to update their posts from the front-end.

Take advantage of custom post types and you can use WP User Frontend on any platform.The plugin also supports WooCommerce, so you can create products for your WooCommerce site using our forms.

You can assign different default states to new or edited posts. You can also set the message that is displayed to the user after the form is submitted and change the text of the submit button as needed.

The plugin also supports customization of login and registration forms. You can build registration forms using the default templates and add more fields with the PRO version.

Custom field data can be visible to visitors on the front end of individual post pages. Administrators can also disable this feature to prevent custom fields from being displayed to everyone.

WP User Frontend also offers many other features such as subscription publishing, email alerts, integration with Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), transactions and membership management.

Installing and using WP User Frontend is very easy, just download and install it to get started.

Summary: WP User Frontend is a powerful WordPress plugin that offers many useful features, including front-end post submission, member management, profile building and WordPress editor. It also supports custom login and registration forms, guest post submission, role-based access control, and more. By using WP User Frontend, you can provide a better front-end experience for your website.

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